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The Surprising Benefits of Using a Lighter: How It Can Improve Your Life

by Kuzey Burak Yalcin 19 Apr 2024

Have you ever stopped to consider the many ways that a simple lighter can enrich your daily experience? While lighters are often associated with smoking or campfires, I've found this small but mighty tool has brought me joy, convenience, and even artistic inspiration in unexpected places.

As someone who loves to cook outdoors, a reliable lighter is essential for grilling or lighting the firepit on chilly evenings. But beyond cooking, I've discovered my trusty Bic can be helpful in so many other areas too. Just the other day, I was working in my garden and needed to burn off some pruning clippings. Rather than making multiple trips to and from the garage for the gas can and torch, I was able to make quick work of it with my lighter. No fuss, no mess.

One night last week, a power outage left me without any electric lighting in the house. I'd been meaning to purchase some candles but hadn't gotten around to it. Thankfully, with the flick of my lighter, I was able to see well enough to move about safely until the power returned a few hours later. It was in that moment that I truly appreciated the convenience and peace of mind that comes with always having a lighter on hand.

Perhaps one of my more unusual uses of a lighter involves an artistic hobby of mine - glass fusing. This process involves heating glass pieces with a torch to permanently fuse them together. Where some artists rely on large, unwieldy torches, I've found that a simple cigarette lighter works just as well for small projects. The precise flame allows for detailed work, and not having to deal with fuel canisters or high pressures is liberating. On more than one occasion, a late night crafting session was made possible thanks to my trusty pocket lighter.

Aside from practical applications, lighting up with a Bic can also provide moments of mindfulness. The rhythmic action - flick of the thumb, spark of flame - brings a calming focus. I especially enjoy this on evening walks, where lighting up a favorite scented candle or incense allows me to be fully present with each inhalation and exhalation. Some of my most creative ideas have come to me during these lighter-lit mindfulness sessions outdoors.

Of course, no discussion of lighters would be complete without mentioning their social benefits too. From lighting birthday candles to helping a stranger on a cigarette, the sharing of a flame can break the ice or forge new connections in simple yet profound ways. It's always interesting to observe the subtle shift in a interaction once a light is offered, as barriers seem to melt away.

While lighters may seem like trivial items, I've found incorporating them thoughtfully into my daily rituals has brought me confidence, convenience, inspiration, and even community. The versatility of the simple spark has enriched my life in ways I never could have imagined. I encourage you to ponder how a lighter might enhance your own experience as well. You never know - this small tool could just become your new favorite way to spread a little light.


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